#1 How To Refine Your Ideas – Start A Small Business Series…

#1 How To Refine Your Ideas – Start A Small Business Series…

Starting a business can be one of the most exciting ventures you may ever embark on. But a lot can go wrong if you don’t take proper steps. According to Statistics Canada, only about 65% of new businesses make it to the fifth year Much of what determines whether a...
#2 Write a Business Plan – Start A Small Business Series…

#2 Write a Business Plan – Start A Small Business Series…

A few important questions to ask yourself after you have your idea in place. You will need a well written business plan to address the following subjects What are your end goals? Who will you be selling to? What is the actual purpose of your business? How will you...
#3 Assess Your Finances – Start A Small Business Series…

#3 Assess Your Finances – Start A Small Business Series…

How are you going to cover the cost of starting this business? Will you need a loan, or do you have the funds for your startup? Are you planning to leave your current job or focusing full time on the new business? Do you have savings to support you and your family...
#7 Build Your Team – Start A Small Business Series…

#7 Build Your Team – Start A Small Business Series…

As a business owner you must give the people element of your business the same attention as you give to your services or products. Start by setting the scene for your employees. Let them know what they’re aiming for and help them to understand the goals of your...